
通常価格 ¥3,300

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13 - F# Major - Arlequ n y Colombina / Harlequin and Columbine
14 F# minor Melancol a / Melancholy
15 C# Major El ni o ante el misterio del bosque / The child and the mystery of the forest
16 C# minor Desconsuelo y furia / Grief and fury
17 Ab Major Celebraci n / Celebration
18 Ab minor Plegaria / Prayer
19 Eb Major Plenitud / Plenitude
20 Eb minor Visita inesperada / An unexpected visit
21 Bb Major Fiesta campestre / Country festival
22 Bb minor Conversaci n / Conversation
23 F Major Eloisa / Eloise
24 F minor Despedida / Farewell


